When June 06, 2024 at 7:00pm 1 hr 30 mins
Where Sunken Silo Brew Works 1320 US-22, Lebanon, NJ 08833, United States
Contact Matt Ross [email protected]

What do good beer and ranked-choice voting have in common?silologo1.png

At 7 PM on June 6th, join Voter Choice New Jersey at Sunken Silo Brew Works for a Rank The Beers event (while also learning about an easy way to upgrade how we vote)!

    1. We’ll explain ranked-choice voting:
      • What is ranked-choice voting?
      • How does it work?
      • How has it worked in other places like Maine, Alaska, and NYC?
    2. We’ll walk you through your first ranked-choice voting election:
      • Voters will have the opportunity to try a sampling of beers
      • Vote (ranking your choices) using the ballot similar to below
      • Watch your paper ballots get counted
Will you come?