When August 16, 2023 at 6pm 3 hrs
Contact Renée Steinhagen [email protected]

Whether or not you are able to come in person, please call to register your support and let them know that your vote is your voice, and your voice is your vote--and you want to be able to cast your ballot using RCV to give your vote more meaning. RCV is necessary to support small "d" democracy in JC. In just 10 minutes, you could help upgrade Jersey City's elections by asking your four representatives to join Mayor Fulop and support ranked-choice voting.

Everyone in Jersey City should reach out to the Council President and Council At-Large representatives.

QUICK: Click to email all council members here. 

Even if you aren't from Jersey City you can still help: click here.

Just put in your name and hit send!

Sign up for the Jersey City Council Meeting comment period to express your support for ranked-choice voting and the Jersey City trigger ordinance. You've told us you want Jersey City to have the chance to switch to ranked-choice voting. It is critical that you make your voice heard by the city council while they consider RCV.
We will speak in support of the trigger ordinance to enable JC voters to adopt RCV for municipal and school board elections.  Please come to the City Council meeting to register your support and sign up prior to the meeting to speak during the comment period. IMPORTANT: When you RSVP for the event, we will send you instructions on how to register to speak via email. 

Joyce Waterman
[email protected]

Daniel Rivera
[email protected]

Amy DeGise
[email protected]

The last person you need to reach out to depends on your ward: 

You can see an interactive map here: City Council - City of Jersey City (jerseycitynj.gov)

WARD A: Denise Ridley
Click here: [email protected]

WARD B: Mira Prinz-Arey
Click here: [email protected]

WARD C: Rich Boggiano
Click here: [email protected]

WARD D: Youseff Saleh
Click here: [email protected]

WARD E: James Solomon
Click here: [email protected]

WARD F: Frank Gilmore
Click here: [email protected]

Here's a sample script: Hello! My name is [NAME] from Jersey City and a supporter of ranked-choice voting.  We are asking that [COUNCIL MEMBER NAME] support an ordinance amending the Charter of the City of Jersey City to allow the voters to adopt ranked choice voting. This trigger ordinance would provide Jersey City voters with the opportunity to adopt ranked-choice voting to elect their Mayor, City Council members and School Board members if they choose.  I support ranked-choice voting because it improves the voter experience and can reduce toxic partisanship and the need for strategic voting.  That is why I am asking [COUNCIL MEMBER NAME] to support the Ranked Choice Voting Trigger Ordinance. Thank you!

If you are encountering any issues connecting with your representative, let us know. Thanks again, every call makes a big difference.

Read the proposed trigger ordinance here.
Will you come?