When January 23, 2025 at 7:30pm 2 hrs
Where Zoom

One of the most closely watched elections in the United States this year is right here in New Jersey: the NJ Gubernatorial Election. With six declared Democrats and seven declared Republicans competing for their parties’ nominations, it’s unlikely that any candidate will secure a majority of the vote. This could leave many voters feeling divided and unheard ahead of the November General Election.

This election highlights the challenges of our current voting system—and the urgent need for reform. That’s why we’re working to advance ranked-choice voting (RCV) in New Jersey, starting with our local elections. With your help, we can demonstrate why New Jersey deserves a system that empowers voters, encourages collaboration, and strengthens our democracy.

Join us on Thursday, January 23 (RCV Day), at 7:30 PM to learn more about our plan and how you can help make it a reality.

In 2024, we achieved significant milestones:

  • Onboarded 38 new volunteers
  • Passed six local trigger ordinances and resolutions across the state

Despite the challenges facing our democracy, we’ve proven that progress is possible. Together, we can build a system that rewards candidates who collaborate and build coalitions rather than those who divide and polarize us.

Let’s make 2025 even more impactful.


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